Truck Needs Semi Truck Towing After Avoiding Accident
O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker recently received a call from a customer who needed semi truck towing on a rainy morning. The O’ Hare crew know the importance of driving carefully, especially during rainy weather. Unfortunately, times of inclement weather can often be the busiest for the team as roads are slippery and less predictable.
On this rainy morning, the customer’s truck lost control when he swerved in order to avoid an accident. Although it was quick thinking on his part, unfortunately his truck ended up jackknifed in the ditch and needed immediate roadside assistance.
Upon calling the O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker team, the operator dispatched the nearest semi truck towing crew to the scene on I-355. They were able to arrive at the location within 20 minutes and carefully assessed the situation.
The customer’s trailer was empty, so the crew was able to winch it out backwards. Thankfully, the truck itself was not damaged and so they could easily drive it away. With the expert help of the O’ Hare crew, the truck was back on the road within the hour!
While no one was injured in the incident, it was a welcomed reminder to all at the scene of the importance of driving diligently in all types of weather. Because of the truck driver’s fast reflexes, he was able to avoid hitting the motorists that were near him, which could have caused a worse accident. Trucks generally take a longer time to come to a full stop, and it is essential for all drivers on the road to remember to never cut anyone off while driving.
Huge thanks to the professional team at O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker on an efficient and safe tow! Amazing work everyone!

Details of Truck Needs Semi Truck Towing After Avoiding Accident
O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker recently received a call from a customer who needed semi truck towing on a rainy morning. His truck and his trailer were located on I-355 and needed semi truck towing in order to get back on the road.
The customer’s truck had lost control when he swerved in order to avoid an accident with other motorists that were nearby. Thankfully, no one was hurt. However, the truck ended up jackknifed in the ditch and needed immediate roadside assistance and semi truck towing.
He called the team of O’Hare and the operator dispatched the nearest semi truck towing crew to the scene on I-350. The crew quickly arrived at the location within 20 minutes. They carefully assessed the situation and decided on the best course of action for the semi truck towing job.
The semi truck towing crew saw that the customer’s trailer was empty, so they decided to winch it out backwards. Seeing that the truck itself was not damaged, they could easily drive it away.
With the help of the professional team of semi truck towing operators at O’Hare, the truck driver was able to get back on the road within the hour.