2424 Wisconsin Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515 3535 S State St, Lockport, IL 60441 2755 Division St, Melrose Park, IL 60160 424 W Main Street, Gardner, IL 60424

Can My All-Wheel Drive Car be Towed?

light duty AWD Towing Elmhurst

Is It Safe To Tow An All-Wheel-Drive? Different weather conditions and terrains have made all-wheel drive cars popular among car buyers. For example, in wet and snowy weather, they have an extra traction compared to other cars. However, towing such vehicles that are highly equipped is a bit of a challenge. Hence, when towing such […]

What Types of Towing Are there?

Towing Naperville IL

The Many Different Ways To Tow Towing is the process of hauling an object attached to a tow bar, rope, or chain. Important factors must be considered prior to towing. Always check a tow truck’s tire pressure and the height of the hitch to ensure they’re at the correct level and position. Tow bars should […]

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