DuPage Towing Company Helps with Heavy Recovery
As Du Page’s trusted towing company, heavy recovery is our business. From tankers stalled at the side of the road to freightliner trucks stuck in ditches– we’ve seen it all and always help in a timely and skilled manner. That’s why it was no surprise that O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker’s experienced team responded swiftly and efficiently to a call about a fully loaded fuel tanker.
At around 8:30pm, we received a call that a fuel tanker had lost control in DuPage. Apparently, the driver was going slightly too fast and lost control of the fuel tanker, resulting in the vehicle rolling over and getting stuck. The fully loaded fuel tanker was stuck in a ditch and needed our help for heavy recovery. The accident happened on 127th Street and New Avenue, and O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker rushed to the scene.
Understanding the urgency of the situation, our service team acted quickly by dispatching 2 rotators and assessing the damage. Thankfully, the tanker did not rupture. However, a leak made it imperative for the crew to act fast. With spill kits on hand in case of gas run offs to the ditches, the crew rigged the tanker, removed all the gas from the trailer, and successfully offloaded the remaining gas into a relief trailer.
Because of the O’Hare’s swift and precise work, the damage of the fuel tanker and its surrounding areas were easily controlled. The fuel tank was towed to our secure yard with minimal damage to the vehicle and the road. Massive congrats O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker for their success in the heavy recovery of this fuel tanker!

Details of DuPage Towing Company Helps with Heavy Recovery
O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker responded to a call for heavy recovery in DuPage, IL. The call came in at 8:30pm after a fully loaded fuel tanker lost control. The fuel tanker took a curve too quickly, lost control, and rolled over. The accident happened at 127th Street and New Avenue.
Our DuPage heavy recovery team was immediately dispatched at this location and brought along a 75 ton rotator and 60 ton rotator. They assessed that the tanker did not rupture, however, one of the fittings was leaking. Spill kits were brought by the heavy recovery team to ensure that there were no gas run offs to the ditches on the side of the road. One rotator was placed on either side of the overturned tanker.
The team secured the tanker by rigging it, and partially uprighted it as well. The two rotator operators kept the partially overturned tanker stable, while the heavy recovery team offloaded the remaining gas into a relief trailer.
Once they managed to remove all of the gas from the trailer, the O’Hare towing service team uprighted the tanker and winched it out of the ditch. They then hooked it onto the tractor trailer and towed it to O’Hare Towing Service & Semi Truck Heavy Duty Wrecker’s secure yard in Downers Grove, IL. According to the heavy recovery team, the tractor got more damage than the trailer.